Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

And on the first day Zeke created.....

Life is good in Southern California, I think that it is always good when you are a: visiting and b: visiting with the purpose of training.  I am on a bit of a break right now, did an easy recovery run this morning along the beach in Del Mar.  Perfect day, tons of sun, great surf and about 60 degreed when I took off.  My legs feel good even after climbing Palomar Mtn. and Lake Wolford Pass, I was thinking that they may have been a bitten and knicked up after yesterdays training.  I guess when you get a full, good nights sleep the body can comeback from just about anything.  

Tomorrow is my first really brutal day of riding, a big effort up Palomar about midway into a 100 mile day and followed with a race pace hour run.  Should be the first real shock to my system this season, it has to come at some point I guess.  I am supposed to be playing nine holes with my uncle Jeff afterwards and I seriously doubt he is going to cancel.  

I plan on posting my race reports and updates here through the course of the year, it will make it easier to circulate this way.  So stay tuned I suppose, but more importantly stay warm.